Sprouted Ponytail Palm
Sprouted Ponytail Palm - Sprouted Ponytail Palm - Sprouted Ponytail Palm - Sprouted Ponytail Palm - Sprouted Ponytail Palm - Sprouted Ponytail Palm -

Sprouted Ponytail Palm


Scientific Name: Beaucarnea recurvata Synonyms: Ponytail Palm, Elephant's Foot Intriguing appearanceWaterwiseEasy CarePlant Level: BeginnerComes in a 14cm Nursery Pot. Often mistaken for a palm (hence the common name), this odd-looking plant is act

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Scientific Name: Beaucarnea recurvata Synonyms: Ponytail Palm, Elephant's Foot Intriguing appearanceWaterwiseEasy CarePlant Level: BeginnerComes in a 14cm Nursery Pot. Often mistaken for a palm (hence the common name), this odd-looking plant is actually semi-succulent, making it the ideal plant for a bright hot space where other Palms would not survive indoors or even on a balcony. It will however happily live in lower light if provided with some direct sunlight for some hours of the day. This quirky plant is super easy to take care of and, as its swollen base stores water, it is a great water-wise plant. For plant lovers that are a little forgetful about watering, this plant is ideal! It is a slow grower under the best circumstances, so a little patience is required. Ponytail Palms look majestic paired with an unadorned planter or classical Terracotta with its long slender foliage making a fantastic fountain-like feature. Please note: Pony Tail Palms are non-toxic to pets and humans. CARE INSTRUCTIONS Follow these instructions to keep your Pony Tail Palm happy and healthy. Light: Likes very bright, indirect light or full sun.Water: Always allow the soil to dry out a bit between watering. During the warmer months, you may need to water the Ponytail Palm more often due to the warm weather. During winter water it just enough to prevent it from drying out completely. When in doubt, do not water!Humidity: Prefers low to average humidity, if air is very dry and brown tips form of leaves, spritz Pony tail palm to raise humidity.Fertilizer: Feed monthly in spring and summer with a balanced fertilizer diluted by half. Don’t feed in winter.

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