Weeping Fig
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Weeping Fig


Scientific Name: Ficus benjamina Common Names: Weeping Fig, Benjamin Fig Enjoy dainty green foliageCan grow into large trees if repottedAir purifyingPlant level: MediumPlants come in a 12cm Nursery Pot. If you are looking for a graceful green folia

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Scientific Name: Ficus benjamina Common Names: Weeping Fig, Benjamin Fig Enjoy dainty green foliageCan grow into large trees if repottedAir purifyingPlant level: MediumPlants come in a 12cm Nursery Pot. If you are looking for a graceful green foliage plant that you can enjoy over the years to come, then consider the Weeping Fig with its delicate foliage and beautiful grey silver delicate branches The Weeping fig is a popular houseplant and if cared for correctly it will grow into a large tree, it is a lover of humidity and bright filtered light and really dislikes being moved around or sudden temperature and light changes. If you do happen to move your Ficus Benjamina it may drop its leaves but they should generally regrow. Pair this beauty with a simple planter that will draw attention to this elegant houseplants magnificent foliage and place it in a bright filtered light position, either on a tabletop to create extra height or in a position where it will not be caught by a draft. Wherever you choose to place your Weeping fig, be it in your office or at home, know it will be working hard for by not only looking attractive but by cleaning your air as they are brilliant air purifiers removing high levels of household toxins from the air. They love attention and are ideal for the more attentive houseplant lover as they cannot handle long periods of dryness or neglect. Please note: Ficus Benjamina is toxic to pets and humans. CARE INSTRUCTIONS Follow these instructions to keep your Weeping Fig healthy and happy. Water: Allow the top 25% of the soil to dry out before watering. Try to keep a consistent watering schedule. Light: Plenty of very bright indirect light. Keep out of direct sunlight. Humidity: Average humidity is fine though it will benefit from frequent misting. Fertilize: Feed your tree monthly in spring and summer with diluted liquid fertilizer.

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